

Pitch Counter
If kids pitch, each game needs a pitch counter. The pitch count determines how many days of rest are required before that player may pitch again in a Little League game. This is an easy way for a parent to volunteer for your team.

Tracking sheets for coaches and volunteers can be downloaded here: 
Pitching Log
Pitching Log with daily limits
Pitching Eligibility Tracking

One parent or volunteer per team (per game) is needed to keep track of stats and scores.
Reference the Little League's page for basic scorekeeping instructions.
A great primer from Roadrunner Little League Microsoft PowerPoint - Score Keep Cheat Sheet v4.pptx (
An assortment of tips scoringbasicnotation.pdf

Home Team Responsibilities
  • Prepare the field: rake, chalk lines, prepare the mound.
  • Provide a scorekeeper (Minors and older).
  • Keep the official scorebook for the game. If electronic, must make it reasonably available to the visitors.

Visiting Team Responsibilities

  • Provide the official pitch count (Minors and older). 
  • Tidy the field post-game: rake infield and mounds, remove trash from dugout and bleacher area.
  • Empty trash cans by each dugout and the nearest bleachers and take trash bags to the dumpster (near the entrance at main complex and center parking lot at Harmon).
    • If there are no trash bags, have your coach notify the division VP or Board member so we can stock more bags in the score shacks or connex.


    *All-Star Tournament - specific roles*

    When we host All-Star (Post-season) tournaments, there are a few more specific directions for the game-day volunteers. The most notable change is that the games have an announcer and the pitch counter and scorekeeper sit inside the scoring shack behind home plate:

    Pitch Count/Announcer - sits in the score shack with the scorekeeper throughout the game, keeps a record of the pitch count, announces the timing of the pre-game activities such as warmups, introduces the players before the game by reading out their names (a script and timing guide are in a binder in the score shack for you). Arrive 1 hour before the game.

    Scorekeeper - keeps the official paper record of the game. This is a skill some of you have from your days playing, coaching, watching games and practicing scorekeeping. But if you have this skill WE NEED YOU! Please sign up. You will sit in the score shack with the pitch counter/announcer. Arrive 30 minutes before the game.

    Snack Shack - we can't run it without volunteers. A board member will meet you to open up, set up the register and provide training. The Board member will be there again to handle closing, cash and the keys. You get to make a lot of kids happy with nachos, candy and popcorn! Shift times are posted. 

    Cleanup - After the last game of the day, you check the dugouts for trash, put away equipment and make sure the score shacks get locked up, empty the 14 trash cans in the complex, replace the bags and get the trash to the dumpster at the front entrance of the complex. 

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