*2025 Season -We can only open if a new Snack Shack coordinator or committee steps forward. Contact the Snack Shack coordinator at aorsnackshack at gmail dot com for a detailed list of duties and responsibilities.
2024 was the last season Kristi will be managing the Snack Shack. SO - We are now seeking interested volunteers to learn the operation and serve as co-manager to help with shopping, volunteer coordination and cash management. We have dedicated teen volunteer trainers available to help orient our volunteer staff most days.
A Calendar pdf link will be posted at the bottom of this page noting which team needs to provide volunteers each evening.
The AOR Snack Shack is one of our largest fundraisers for the league and we appreciate your support. It’s a fun and convenient way for families to buy refreshments and meals during a game. Kids are excited to find candy, gum and snacks there as well. Our proceeds provide additional operating revenue for activities such as umpire fees, field maintenance, fence repair and equipment and is the only source of income outside of registration fees.
The Snack Shack is located at the Main AOR field complex (Ruth Arcand fields on O’Malley road) and is open for business when the season starts.
How is the snack shack staffed?
We rely 100% on volunteers to work in the Snack Shack during games at the AOR field complex.
The Snack Shack is run by our Snack Shack Coordinator. In a typical season we need a team of volunteers who help open and close the Snack Shack each day, a Snack Shack Squad. If you are interested in being part of this team, to open and close on a given day, please contact our coordinator.
The Snack Shack requires two adults at a time to operate and runs even better when a third “grill-meister” is available to help. Teens with customer service skills are welcome to sign up for shifts.
Typically, baseball Minors, Majors, Intermediates and Seniors and all Softball divisions play on the main AOR fields and volunteers are related to those teams. Teams that play on Black, Pettit and Siefke fields are assigned volunteer slots for TWO to THREE volunteers to work each shift in the shack for that game. Team shifts are assigned after the game schedule is released and emailed to the coach and Team parent. If you know of an organization who needs volunteer hours and would like to take a shift, please put them in touch with the Snack Shack coordinator.
A sign-up link for shifts is posted to keep track of who will be there and to make sure we have enough help to open.
Sign up here 
Once the regular season is over, we generally host post-season tournaments and our need for volunteers continues through July.
Details are posted on the Season and Post Season Page
Contact the Snack Shack coordinator at aorsnackshack at gmail dot com
I have never worked at the Snack Shack. How will I know what to do?
The idea of volunteering at the Snack Shack may be a little overwhelming for families who are new to AOR. We try and make it an enjoyable and stress-free experience by providing menu and price lists, written guidance and instructions, as well as providing contact information for the Snack Shack coordinator in case of questions or issues. We truly appreciate our volunteers and want to make it as easy as possible for you.
What is a volunteer shift like?
Typically regular season games will start around 6:30. An open/close volunteer aims to arrive and begin preparing the Shack around 5:30. All volunteers should arrive by 6:00. We aim to run until about 8:00 or 8:30 depending on the games being played. You can share a shift with a rotator, but need to stay until that volunteer arrives to relieve you.
Generally you will do the following: make coffee and hot water for hot chocolate and noodles, prepare nacho cheese and chili in the crock pot, grill some burgers and hot dogs and put them in the warmer, and prepare pretzels and hot pockets in the microwave. Your shift includes taking orders and receiving cash or credit cards and keeping candy and drinks stocked. Cash and the computer tablet will be picked up by the closing volunteer or board member.
More detailed instructions are available in the Snack Shack.
Are children allowed to volunteer in the Snack Shack?
In the past, we have let children help out in the Snack Shack (at the customer window) as long as the kids are well behaved and closely supervised by an adult. The kids should not be allowed to go near the grill, and no one is permitted to eat inside the Snack Shack.
We encourage students in grades 6 and higher who need service hours to sign up to volunteer in the Snack Shack and will sign off on service hour forms for their time.
Thanks for your help and have a great season!
Please remember to clean up after yourselves throughout the field complex. Our Snack Shack is a wonderful offering, but we count on our families to ensure trash makes it to the proper bins. Thanks!